Our Priorites

Safe and Supported Visits at Sunshine Family Services

We help with positive & supervised visitations, creating a comfortable environment.

provides emotional relief to foster parents

with respect and ensure their rights as valued clients

fosters a proactive and supportive approach

sensitivity to cultural and ethnic differences

teamwork among staff, foster parents & placement agencies

child-friendly and individualized services

Foster Care Have the Hope of Reunification with their Birth Family

We Assist with the Journey Back Home

In foster care, our main goal is to help children and their families prepare for a meaningful and safe reunification process. As part of this process, court-ordered visitation plays a crucial role. The judge determines how often the visits will happen, where they will take place, and who will be there to supervise. Our team is here to support and guide you every step of the way!

Happy Kids in Our Organization


Kids Settled in Homes


Professional Volunteers

Get Involved: Become Their Hero

Reach Out and Discover Foster Parenting with Us

With an unwavering commitment to love and hope, we continue to expand our horizons, nurturing every child to reach their fullest potential and creating a brighter future for them all.